Executive Finishing School

Build a clear path and create a personal working development plan for your career. Gain practical insights for the real world with our the Protégé Professionals Graduate Finishing School (PGFS) and Protégé Prestige Executive Finishing School (PPEFS)

We cover topics that prepare young people for life, work and business; typically not found in the classroom.

Protégé Professional Graduate Finishing School (PGFS)

Graduates are often asked the all-important question about the future - “What do you want to do with your life?".

We have found that almost 90% of graduates cannot answer that question effectively and are not even prepared for life after graduation. Graduates soon find out that it is not enough to have a degree, there is more to creating that compelling future for their life. In a world where there is a mass production of people all cloned to go after the same jobs we help people distinguish themselves.

PGFS is all about enhancing your graduate impact, we help graduates identify key elements of their strengths and build a story around their authentic self. PGFS offers practical insights to prepare graduates for the 'real world of work or business'.

PGFS equips graduates with the employability and entrepreneurial skills required to become valuable assets to companies and businesses.

Protégé Prestige Executive Finishing School

A Personal Development Plan is must in any professional career or business journey. There are two major problems we have identified in the world of work and business: Firstly, a lot of people depend on their companies to craft their personal development plan or life plan. Secondly, with the scarcity of jobs a good number of people have become instant entrepreneurs, therefore, overnight CEO's lacking the grooming and rudiments of what it takes to be a professional.

If you will not start a business without a business plan why start your life without a life plan? At Protégé Prestige Executive Finishing School we have found that no matter how long you have been in a career, if you do not have a clear understanding of the life you want and are designed to live; there will always be a huge void in you.

This programme is tailored for professionals who want to create massive momentum in their careers.

At PPEFS we help you create your own compelling life plan based on what you were ultimately designed for.

You were born an original so don't live like a copy.


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